On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:03 PM,  <dlel...@rockwellcollins.com> wrote:
>> I'd actually expect it to be pretty confusing if you had multiple
>> people committing changes based from different back-rev pegged
>> references anywhere near the same time frame.  Does your external
>> 'notify about new versions' tool help with that?   Don't you get
>> conflicting changes that you'd want branches to help isolate?
> Yes, its obvious to users when they are not on the latest revision of the
> file, but they c/would still go through a merge process if need be.
> Its actually very straight-forward as we intentionally focused on targeting
> non-CM-guru folks.

I'm having a little trouble picturing how you would sanely maintain
(say) a conflicting line of code where 2 projects need the difference
across several revisions when all the commits from both go to the head
of the same trunk copy.

   Les Mikesell

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