Just a query out of curiosity:

I'm currently in the process of migrating all 74 of our BDB repositories to 
FSFS via a dump/create/load cycle.

I've seen some quite large dump files already - one got up to about 28GB.  The 
svnadmin 1.2.3 tool managed to cope with that quite successfully.  Right now, 
our largest repository (some 19,000 revisions with many files, including 
installation packages) is dumping.  In the 5300 range of revisions, the dump 
file has just passed 9GB.

Am I going to run into problems, or is it open-ended?  This probably comes down 
to the data type of the file index parameters/variables.

I guess I'll find out soon enough, as the dump churns away (and, if/when that 
succeeds, the subsequent load churns through).

Just in case any developer is on hand during my work day here in Australia, it 
might be nice to know.  I'll let the list know if there's a crash during the 
process, too.



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