> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Maher [mailto:jo...@rotair.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 1:34 PM
> To: Johan Corveleyn
> Cc: Thorsten Schöning; users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Switching
> The problem isn't something in the way, the problem is something is
> there when nothing is expected.  There is a directory in one branch but
> not the other.  Subversion half empties it when switching to the branch
> without the directory.  Then when switching back to the branch where
> the directory lives it complains that it can not add it because it is
> there.  But that very same directory was part of the branch that is
> complaining that it can not add it because it is there.

Okay, this isn't a svn issue.  This sounds more like a "I did a build against 
trunk, switched to branch B, and then did a build of B in a dirty workspace."  
That's just asking for trouble in terms of build accuracy and build 
repeatability; it's a bad practice in general.  

The whole "trunk, switch to B, switch back to trunk" directory conflict may be 
an annoyance, but a 'make clean' build option or cleanup script run after the 
switch sounds like something that you need to implement.

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