On 22.08.2013 15:55, James Hanley wrote:
> ie:
> svn merge -cl merge_from_trunk https://svn.somerepo.com/project/trunk
> #Any items merged in are added to change list "merge_from_trunk" to
> #  easily differentiate from local changes that the user does not want
> to check in
> svn status
> M       local_file_changes.txt
> --- Changelist 'merge_from_trunk':
>  M      .
> M       pathhere/foo.c
> M       pathhere/bar.c
> A  +    paththere/mon.h
> M       paththere/mon.cpp
>  M      pathoverthere/foo
> This would then allow just the easy checkin of the merge with
> svn ci -cl merge_from_trunk

The idea sort of goes aginst the grain of what changelists actually are.
With a changelist, you essentially label a number of files in the
working copy, but in the merge scenario you're trying to use them to
limit the set of merge sources, i.e., a set of objects in the repository
(which may or may not have the same names in the working copy).

> alternatively (if easier to implement) the ability to specify to svn
> ci the set of files not specified as a member to a changelist.

ISTR this has already been discussed somewhere ... yup, here it is:


-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data
e. br...@wandisco.com

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