> From: Thomas Harold
> Sent: Friday, 23 August 2013 11:53 AM
> On 8/22/2013 7:11 PM, Geoff Field wrote:
> Most restores for us took about 5-10 minutes, a few of our 
> larger repos took a few hours.

I was doing this all in the background via remote login to our SVN server, so I 
didn't monitor times.  Some of our repos only took seconds because there wasn't 
much to load.  The ones that involved more people and more changes took up to 
somewhere on the order of an hour or so.  Usually, I'd just set it going and do 
other work while occasionally glancing at the remote desktop session to see if 
it had finished the current step.

> Since we use svn+ssh, repository permissions matter a bit more for us.

We only allow https access and we only have a few users now, so monitoring and 
controlling access during the changeover was easy.

Besides, nobody was ABLE to access the BDB repositories because the more recent 
server builds that you can download don't include the BDB module.  Simply 
stopping the old server software was enough to kill all access to the BDB 
repositories in our case.



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