On 8/23/2013 4:09 PM, Maureen Barger wrote:
Has anyone made a jump this large before? Any comments about my upgrade plan?

We jumped from 1.5 to 1.8 on our server-side repositories. Our clients were using a mix of 1.6 and 1.7 (most of the "important to us" improvements in SVN 1.6 and 1.7 were client-side).

If you dig back a week in the mailing list, you can see Geoff's and myself's conversation on the upgrade process. ("How Big A Dump File Can Be Handled?")

We did our upgrade in-place, but had a second set of spindles (an NFS file system on another server) that we used to dump/load from. Locking each repo down to read-only while the script processed it, then opening it back up. Running "svnadmin verify" before each dump and again after the load.

To echo what Mark said, I suggest upgrading the box first (moving to CentOS 6), installing WANdisco SVN 1.8 right off the bat, but just bringing over the SVN repositories "as-is" (in 1.4/1.5/etc format). Get it up and running, then worry about the upgrade to 1.8 repo format.

(WANdisco is currently the easiest way to get 1.8.1 installed on CentOS 6. You download an install script, it adds a repo and installs SVN 1.8.1.)

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