On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 7:19 PM, Curt Sellmer <sellmer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You said you dumped and loaded your repository.  You also have
>>> corruption shown by apache that is not shown by svnadmin.  When you
>>> dump/load are you also putting the new repository in the same place as
>>> the old repository?  If so, are you restarting apache?  It's perfectly
>>> acceptable to replace a repository but you must restart apache if the
>>> repository is altered but the UUID is not changed.
>>> --
>>> Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
>>> WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*
>> In this case I created a new repo using a different name.  I left the
>> old one intact.  Then just referenced the new repo's url.
>> In the last few days, thought I have moved the old repo to A.orig then
>> moved the new repo to A.  I did not know of the requirement to restart
>> apache.  Will do that going forward.  Thanks.
> I just bounced the apache server and it did indeed clear up the
> problem.  I can now
> access the repo with both clients.  Thank you.
> I apologize that I didn't realize that the web server had to be
> bounced.  Not sure that was in the docs anywhere?
> This may well be the cause of the previous problems as I had a script
> that would create a
> new repo, dump | load to it, then rename the new repo with the
> original repo's name.
> I'll keep testing with the new found knowledge.

Since bouncing the apache server I am not seeing any errors with any
of the repos.  Classic
case  of user error.
I really appreciate all of your help and quick responses.


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