> Hi All,
> TortoiseSVN 1.6.16, Build 21511 - 64 Bit , 2011/06/01 19:00:35 Subversion
> 1.6.17, apr 1.3.12 apr-utils 1.3.12 neon 0.29.6 OpenSSL 1.0.0d 8 Feb 2011 zlib
> 1.2.5 We have a problem. We have a trunk and a branch, and wanted to merge
> changes from branch to trunk. Due to some heavier file-conflicts I'we deleted
> foo.txt in trunk in SVN, copied it from branch and added again. Now I now it
> was a mistake.
> Now if we try to make merge, we always get tree conflict on foo.txt - its
> contents are already identical in trunk and branch. I know that the 
> discontinuity
> in foo.txt for a range of revisions, so the lack of ancestry causes that.
> foo.txt was already deleted and re-added in branch by other developer.
> We have already tried a range of solutions found on the web, but no success. 
> Is
> there a way to tell SVN to forget this tree conflict thing for ever?
> thank you in advance.
> Best regards: Balázs

If you do a merge, and resolve the tree conflict, and then commit the merge... 
subsequent merges will no longer try to merge in the delete change and you 
shouldn't see further issues.

If you keep seeing the same conflict, it sounds like you aren't committing the 
merge-info that is set on the project root. (you should always merge from the 
project root).


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