Ivan answered that question in this thread two weeks ago.
And it really is not polite to shout at people. Do go easy on the
exclamation marks.
-- Brane
Hello Brane,
And If you don't know what I'm asking please don't write.
I'm asked about:
/"//OK. So please tell me whether this fix (r152289) for issue //
////> #4425 is already merged to branch 1.8.x?!("
/Ivan's answer is not enough for me. Ivan wrote:
"Well, I checked logs more carefully and it seems like issue #4425 [1]
which is fixed in r1522892 and proposed for backport to Subversion
1.8.4. "
I don't know whether r1522892 is in trunk (I suppose this) or in
destination branch 1.8.x.
And Brane, please do not take this personally. I'm asking only for
Subversion program.