> From: Ben Reser
> Sent: Friday, 8 November 2013 16:55 PM
> On 11/7/13 6:37 PM, Geoff Field wrote:
> > I'm just trying to bump the priority again, given our circumstances.
> Consider it bumped. :)

Thanks Ben.  I noticed your post on the matter.

> > So is it just mod_dav*.so that's affected?
> Correct, this is only applicable to DAV.  You won't see this 
> problem if you're using svnserve and it doesn't impact things 
> that aren't DAV related with respect to httpd.  In practice 
> this makes it generally specific to Subversion.

Understood.  In our case, SVN is the entire reason we have Apache running at 
all.  Our IT Department really favours the MS "solution".

>  Though I'm sure there's some people out there using 
> mod_dav_fs (presumably those people are the ones that wanted 
> the fix that triggered several problems for us).
> > I agree.  Breaking/releasing locks is NOT a resolution.  
> Applying patches (or patched software) is.  Is there an easy 
> way to apply a patch on a Windows server with limited drive 
> space for extra tools such as compilers?
> Building httpd on Windows is unfortunately not easy at this 
> time.

I suspected as much.  Oh well.

>  I'd suggest going with a binary produced by one of the 
> vendors.  I think several have already patched.  Mark 
> mentioned that Collab.Net's packages are patched.

I've downloaded those, too, but the installation hasn't "taken" yet.  I'll have 
to edit the httpd.conf a bit more carefully to make things work with it.  (At 
present, I'm getting an error 1, which I'm sure is due to a misconfiguration.  
I'll RTFM before posting any more about that.  Quite likely, I should have 
tried the vanilla install first, then modified to suit.)

>  Maybe one 
> of the other providers will chime in here that there's are 
> patched as well.
> Putting my own corporate hat on for a moment here.  WANdisco 
> binaries that come with httpd should be patched as well.  I 
> need to ask the individual that builds them to verify for 
> sure.  If you find that they are not let me know and I'll see 
> that this changes.  You can find the WANdisco binaries here 
> for free download:
> http://www.wandisco.com/subversion/download


I've downloaded the WanDisco version and I'll try the installation on Monday.  
(It's past home time on a Friday here in South-Eastern Australia.)  If the 
WanDisco binary works better for me, I will probably not do any more work on 
the Collabnet update.  Either way, I'll let you know.



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