> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Martin [mailto:philip.mar...@wandisco.com] 
> Sent: 08 November 2013 10:19
> To: Matthews, David
> Cc: subversion_us...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: svnadmin hotcopy losing revprops
> dpm <david.matth...@metoffice.gov.uk> writes:
> > I'm using svn 1.8.4 on RHEL 6.3 (we're in the process of trying to upgrade 
> > from svn 1.6 to 1.8).
> > However, the svnadmin hotcopy command doesn't appear to be working 
> > correctly with the
> > repositories I've copied over from our 1.6 server - most of the db/revprop 
> > directories are missing.
> I can reproduce this, hotcopy fails to copy some of the revprops
> corresponding to packed revisions when the repository is 1.7 
> or earlier
> format:
> svnadmin create repo --compatible-version 1.7
> perl -i -pe s/1000/10/ repo/db/format
> for i in `seq 0 75`;do echo $i >> x.x ; svnmucc -mm put x.x 
> file://`pwd`/repo/f ; done
> svnadmin pack repo
> svnadmin hotcopy repo repo2
> The bug was introduced to 1.8 by r1520723 and is still 
> present on trunk.

Thanks for your response (although it doesn't seem to have made it
to the archive yet - perhaps because I used google groups?).
It's good to know that the problem is reproducible.
I'll go back to using 1.8.3 for the moment.

Do you think this bug needs advertising more widely somehow?
Our backup procedure relies on hotcopy and, if I hadn't discovered
this during my testing, we could have ended up having no useable
backups which is a scary thought.

David Matthews

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