On 15.11.2013 07:47, Stefano Fraccaro wrote:
> Il 14/11/2013 22:35, Ben Reser ha scritto:
>> Can you elaborate what method you're seeing method not allowed with? 
>> Or if you
>> were running a svn client what command you were running?
> TortoiseSVN > SVN Checkout
>> The one case where we made such a change that comes to mind is with
>> per the RFC can lock files that don't exist (otherwise known as an
>> unmapped url
>> or null resources).
>> http://webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#lock-unmapped-urls
>> http://webdav.org/specs/rfc2518.html#rfc.section.7.4
>> We only support this when SVNAutoversioning is turned on and return a
>> method
>> not allowed error if this isn't turned on.  We felt that the method
>> not allowed
>> error was the logical error to return.
>> The other cases where we return method not allowed typically are
>> cases where we
>> don't allow that method on regular URLs unless auto-versioning is
>> enabled.
> We have an apache installation with subversion modules (
> http://webserver/ ).
> All our repositories are in svn subfolder (
> http://webserver/svn/RepositoryName )
> If I checkout the url 'http://webserver/badname/RepositoryName',
> subversion
> return '405 Method not allowed' instead of '404 Url not found'.
> Unexpected HTTP status 405 Method Not Allowed on
> '/badname/RepositoryName'
> Additional errors:
> PROPFIND request on '/badname/RepositoryName' failed: 405 Method not
> allowed

I think you are mistaken, this error probably not returned by Subversion
(since it's not configured on that location) but by the Apache HTTPd
server itself. Most likely your server interprets the request as a
PROPFIND on  directory "badname" within the directory defined by the
server configuration option  DocumentRoot. The default server
configuration probably only allows GET requests on such paths; which
makes a kind of sense, since the PROPFIND method is defined by the DAV
protocol, not HTTP itself.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data
e. br...@wandisco.com

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