I've read the visual guide, the subversion book, I've used subversion for 
years, but never really collaborated much with other people on actual software 
source code the way it's intended to be used, until recently.  So it's only 
recently that I'm making use of branch/merge, and I'd like to get the advice of 
you more experienced svn users, about my usage pattern.

In particular, I branch (and switch) from /trunk to /branches/eharvey.  I then 
make a few commits.  I switch back to /trunk, and merge from the branch.  I 
commit to trunk.  (I'm always at a loss for comment, because I'm just 
committing things that have already been commented.  But that's a side note.)  
I then switch back to /branches/eharvey, and merge from /trunk.

So here's my question:  Even if I'm the only person who committed anything...  
I was fully committed on /branches/eharvey, I then became fully committed on 
/trunk, and when I merge back into /branches/eharvey, suddenly I'm not fully 
committed.  My latest status (check for modifications) shows the child 
subfolder as "modified," and when I diff it, it's the svn:mergeinfo property 
that's different.  It shows that I merged /trunk into /branches/eharvey, even 
though there were no changes from trunk to merge in.

So, most importantly, am I using svn branch/switch/merge in the way that it's 
intended to be used?
Is this the normal, expected, and desired behavior, and I should just get used 
to it?
Should my usage pattern be different somehow?

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