>If your script really has 'echo off' and not '@echo off' then your script 
>produces output. And you should check the documentation on how that is handled 
>for the specific hooks. For pre-lock this has side effects:
># If the hook program outputs anything on stdout, the output string will # be 
>used as the lock token for this lock operation.  If you choose to use # this 
>feature, you must guarantee the tokens generated are unique across # the 
>repository each >time.

Sorry, my mistake, you are correct.  I corrected it to " @echo off".

I tested  it 5 minutes ago, same result for either "@echo off" or "echo off":

- during commit all 3 hooks are executed, commit is successfull
- during lock no hook is executed, lock failed

> What operation did you perform to test the lock hook?
> svn lock <something>?
> The lock script is invoked as part of committing.

Yes. I used testing SVN instance on my machine, so SVN bin is not on the PATH.



 Výpis adresáře C:\work\dzcvk82\svn_views\test6\test001

27.11.2013  15:05    <DIR>          .
27.11.2013  15:05    <DIR>          ..
27.11.2013  15:05               135 testfile.txt
           Souborů:      1,   Bajtů:                    135
           Adresářů:     2,   Volných bajtů:  6 574 776 320

C:\work\dzcvk82\svn_views\test6\test001>c:\software\Subversion\bin\svn.exe lock 
svn: E200035: sqlite[S19]: LOCK.lock_token may not be NULL
svn: E200035: Additional errors:
svn: E200035: sqlite[S19]: LOCK.lock_token may not be NULL



Perhaps the the lock fails before the hook execution.

Vena Kovar

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