Hi Peter

> From: Peter Flynn
> Sent: Monday, 2 December 2013 1:40 AM
> I have a number of svn repositories running under 
> Apache+subversion on CentOS6/64, with Submin to provide a web 
> GUI to manage them:
>   server.name/svn/foo
>   server.name/svn/bar
>   server.name/svn/blort
> etc
> All of them are private; all but one of them are single-user 
> (me) so that I can carry on working from any of my machines 
> in multiple locations. One of them is shared with colleagues 
> on a project: they all have read/write privs on that repo.

Are they separate projects or separate accesses to the same project?  You know, 
of course, that you can set up authz privileges to specific subdirectories?

> The URIs are not published or linked, and my colleagues are 
> all well aware of the need to keep their shared URI private. 
> But the requirement is that none of them must be open to 
> casual read access via a web browser, in case someone happen 
> to stumble upon or guess the URI.
> I am having problems getting the access privs right, as they 
> keep causing "svn: E220000: Not authorized to open root of 
> edit operation"
> during an svn up. However, in a long exchange with the very 
> helpful submin support
> (https://ssl.supermind.nl/collab/projects/submin/ticket/336) 
> we have failed to identify settings that work.

Not sure about this one.

> Currently the svn/conf/authz file says
> > [groups]
> > dev = a,b,c,d,e,me
> > 
> > [foo:/]
> > @dev = rw
> > 
> > [bar:/]

For the private one, try adding the following line here:
* =
That turns off read and write access for everybody EXCEPT the explicitly-named 
members.  At least, it works that way for us.

> > me = rw
> > 
> > [blort:/]
> > me = rw
> The Apache conf.d/subversion.conf says:
> > <Location /svn>
> >    DAV svn
> >    SVNParentPath /var/lib/submin/svn
> > # removed GET from LimitExcept to prevent casual browsing
> >       AuthType Basic
> >       AuthName "Authorization Realm"
> >       AuthUserFile /etc/svn.auth
> >       Require valid-user
> >    </LimitExcept>
> > </Location>
> and svn.auth specifies a username:encryptedpassword pair for 
> each member of [groups] in the usual way.
> 1. Browsing with a web browser causes a prompt for the 
> username/password as expected.
> 2. An svn ci operation works fine.
> 3. An svn up operation fails, and always causes an E220000 error.
> 4. Replacing the GET in the LimitExcept config allows svn up 
> to work without error, but allows casual browsing of the web 
> interface.
> Is there a way to prevent the casual browsing while avoiding 
> the E220000 error?

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