
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Krishnamoorthi Gopal
<krishnamoor...@vernal.is> wrote:
> Is this true - Subversion 1.8 can only upgrade working copies created with 
> Subversion 1.6 and Subversion 1.7
> Currently we have Subversion 1.5 and want to move that into Subversion 
> 1.8.,...............Please advise.

Make sure not to confuse *a repository* with *a working copy*!
* Repository: 
* Working copy:

It's common for new Subversion users to confuse these terms. Generally
speaking, repository is a server-side entity while working copy is a
user's local private working copy. (I guess that there is some
confusion since the subject has "repository" and the email text refers
to "working copy").

* If you are asking about repositories.
You can use your existing repositories with Subversion 1.8 server.
Though, if you want to benefit from some newer Subversion features,
you need to upgrade your repositories. See Compatibility Concerns
section in Subversion 1.8 Release Notes at

* If you are asking about working copies.
If you upgrade your clients to Subversion 1.8, users will need to
upgrade their working copies to newer format. They can simply checkout
new working copies as well.
See "Upgrading the Working Copy" Release Notes section at

Thank you.

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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