
I keep a local svn checkout in sync with a svn repository on the
server (without making any local changes).

I probably created the repository with subversion 1.6 (and also did
the checkout with the same version) and later upgraded both the
original repository and the checkout to version 1.8. (I dumped and
imported the original repository and ran "svn upgrade" on the

The size of a checkout (excluding .svn) is 659 MB. The size of
original repository dropped from 653 to 601 MB when I upgraded it to
version 1.8 and now increased again to 738 MB due to new commits.

But the weird thing is that the size of .svn folder in a local
checkout is 2.7 GB. If I do a fresh checkout it's only 659M which is
reasonable, but 2.7 GB seems too much.

I then checked another checkout of a large repository. The size of the
checkout is 6,3 GB, but the .svn folder apparently became a 36 GB

Is there any painless way to shrink the size of the local .svn folder
(other than deleting everything and fetching the whole 6 GB again)?

Thank you,

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