hey Johan,

all i want is when my developer hit the commit button my script trigger the
error if the commit size only commit size no repository size only that
perticular commit size is greater than a GB.

@echo off  
:: Stops commits that have size of greated than 1GB.        
@echo off


set REPOS=%1

set TXN=%2
set MAX_BYTES= 1073741824

svnlook changed -t %TXN% %REPOS%

svnlook filesize -t %TXN% %REPOS% %changed%

for /D /r %%G IN (%TXN%) DO (

if "%G%" GEQ "%MAX_BYTES%" (goto :err) else exit 0  )

echo Your commit has been blocked because your commit size is exceed. 1>&2  
echo Kindly Commit less than 1GB. 1>&2
echo Thanks Regards 1>&2
exit 1

Please Guide will be very great full to you.
Mehboob Ahmed

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