On 2/7/14, 4:28 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> % svn mergeinfo --show-revs=eligible -r202859 ${Repository Root}/trunk
> r200832
> r200833
> r200836
> r200837
> [ ... snip ...]
> Notice that -r200832 is much earlier than the r202859 argument which was
> passed on the command line.
> My wild guess is that r200832 was merged to trunk sometime after
> r202859? I don't know. Searching the commit log history turns up no such
> results.

Unfortunately the -r option on mergeinfo in 1.7 doesn't do anything.

This is fixed in 1.8.0 and newer.  I'd suggest installing a build of 1.8.5:

Also be careful mergeinfo needs a source and a target.  You're only providing a
single argument there which will be treated as your source and your current
working copy will be used to determine the target.

What's not clear to me is why you're using the revision range the way you are.
 Your goal is to make sure anything that was merged to 4.0.2 was also merged to
4.0.x.  So I'd probably do the following:

svn mergeinfo --show-revs=merged $REPO/trunk $REPO/branches/4.0.2 >
svn mergeinfo --show-revs=merged $REPO/trunk $REPO/branches/4.0.x >
diff -u 4.0.2.txt 4.0.x.txt

If you get + lines from the diff output that's changes that were merged to
4.0.x that weren't merged to 4.0.2 (which is likely ok).  If you get - lines
then you've got changes merged to 4.0.2 that weren't merged to 4.0.x.  That is
likely the things you were looking for.  If 4.0.x and 4.0.2 weren't branched
off the same point then you'll have some spurious differences.  For instance if
4.0.x has been made off a new revision of trunk than 4.0.2 was then you'll see
changes merged from trunk to 4.0.2 that are included since they were made
before the branch point, in which case you can safely ignore revisions that
exist before the branch point (you see to know how to find the branch point
with --stop-on-copy so I won't repeat that).

This might be a good use for the revision range on the mergeinfo to exclude the
changes merged to from 4.0.x but you appear to be trying to use the branch
point for 4.0.2 which isn't what you'd want.  Unless of course 4.0.2 is newer
than 4.0.x but it doesn't sound like that's the case.

Finally, save yourself some trouble and learn the ^/ syntax:

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