Hi Philip,

I didn't make myself clear.
I've encounter the problem when using svn1.8+ client and svn1.7+ server.

When I used to work with a svn1.7 client against svn1.7 server there was no 
mismatch with the externals status comparison.

Can you approve this is a bug within the svn1.8+ client? It only work fine 
against 1.8+ server?


-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Martin [mailto:philip.mar...@wandisco.com] 
Sent: 12 February 2014 13:07
To: Spiegel Tal
Cc: users@subversion.apache.org
Subject: Re: possible bugstatus for externals with explicit revision

Spiegel Tal <tal.spie...@elbitsystems.com> writes:

> I'm using in my project externals set to explicit revision.
> When using svn1.7+ the command "svn status -v -u" used to check the 
> modification between my w.c. to the externals explicit revision.
> When using svn1.8+ the same command checks the modification between my w.c. 
> and the external HEAD revision although my external is not pointing the HEAD 
> revision, it points to a much older revision.
> Why did svn change its behavior? is it a bug?

I see a behaviour change but it is the opposite to that you report.
With 1.8 status compares the external to the explict revision:

  $ svnadmin create repo --compatible-version 1.6
  $ svnmucc -mm -U file://`pwd`/repo mkdir A mkdir B \
                                     propset svn:externals '^/A@1 A' B
  $ svnmucc -mm -U file://`pwd`/repo propset p v A
  $ svn co file://`pwd`/repo/B wc
  $ svn st -uv wc
  X                                        wc/A
                   2        1 pm           wc
  Status against revision:      2

  Performing status on external item at 'wc/A':
                   1        1 pm           wc/A
  Status against revision:      1

With 1.7 status compares the external to HEAD:

  $ svn st -uv wc
  X                                        wc/A
                   2        1 pm           wc
  Status against revision:      2

  Performing status on external item at 'wc/A':
          *        1        1 pm           wc/A
  Status against revision:      2

The reason that 1.7 checks against HEAD is that 1.7 does not record the explict 
revision in the EXTERNALS table:

  $ sqlite3 wc/.svn/wc.db "select * from externals"

while 1.8 does:

  $ sqlite3 wc/.svn/wc.db "select * from externals"

which is a result of r1163438.

I think we would consider this a bug in 1.7.

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
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