Actually it seems to be working now.... I know something changed but I'm not
sure what, but I guess I won't argue with success for now.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thorsten Schöning [] 
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: Access rights files with Parent path and svn protocol?

Guten Tag Tom Malia,
am Freitag, 14. Februar 2014 um 22:39 schrieben Sie:

> I’m having no trouble reading repositories from remote clients with 
> the svn:// protocol but I can’t commit.

You need to configure anon-access, auth-access and password-db for this to

> The documentation talks about setting the “authz-db” value in the 
> “svnserve.conf” file to define access rights.

The important distinction is permissions, not authorization. The latter
needs to be done using the former mentioned.

> authz-db =../../ authz

Those paths need a base, this may be the conf directory, but may be some
completely different because "authz" alone without a path may be some
convention. I don't know which is the base or the conventions existing, but
in those cases I always use Process Monitor to check where an application
looks for a file.

> authz-db = C:/SVN/repositories/authz

If that really doesn't work because of some restrictions of SVN, which I
doubt, you may simply link your authz files throughout all your repos using
symbolic links with mklink.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...........05151-  9468- 55
Fax...............05151-  9468- 88
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