Thanks for confirming that Bert. I'd prefer to keep the trunk stable so I've 
recommended the reverse merge approach.

From: Bert Huijben []
Sent: 25 February 2014 10:38
To: James French;
Subject: RE: separating out unwanted changes

That is one option.

The other option is creating a maintenance branch from the old revision, where 
things were still ok (e.g. right before the reintegrate) and then merging the 
changes from trunk to the branch that you want to keep.

It really depends on whether you want to have 'trunk' to be stable again, or if 
you just want to have access a stable branch while still allowing (unstable) 
development work on trunk.


From: James French []
Sent: dinsdag 25 februari 2014 10:51
Subject: separating out unwanted changes


I wonder if someone could give me some advice on the following situation. Its 
probably pretty simple but my svn knowledge has dropped off a bit. An unstable 
dev branch was reintegrated and then a bunch of subsequent fixes were made on 
the mainline, mixed in with other development. Stability has still not been 
achieved and its now desirable to rollback all the fixes and the dev branch and 
carry on working on the fixes on another dev branch while normal development 
carries on as usual. I'm thinking, rollback all the bug fix commits and the 
branch reintegration and get that committed. Then create a dev branch and then 
reverse merge the reverted commit onto it? Sound right?


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