Below is my apache config for SVN:

   <Location /repos>
      # mod_dav_svn configuration
      DAV svn
      SVNParentPath /opt/web/subversion/repos

      # mod_authn_core configuration
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Authorized Developers Only"

      # mod_auth_basic
      AuthBasicProvider ldap

      # mod_authnz_ldap configuration
      # LDAP Authentication & Authorization is final; do not check other
      AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative on
      AuthLDAPBindPassword [redacted]
      # The LDAP query URL
      AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)"

      # mod_authnz_svn configuration
      AuthzSVNAccessFile /opt/web/httpd/conf/extra/svn-access.conf

      Require valid-user

   # Access control to individual SVN repositories based on URL path.
   <Location /repos/webadmin>
      Require ldap-group CN=SVN_POC_DEVS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com
      Require ldap-group CN=SVN_POC_MGRS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com

   # Access control to individual SVN repositories based on URL path.
   <Location /repos/jenkinsAdmin>
      Require ldap-group CN=SVN_POC_DEVS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com
      Require ldap-group CN=SVN_POC_MGRS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com

   # Access control to individual SVN repositories based on URL path.
   <Location /repos/middlewareAutomation>
      Require ldap-group CN=SVN_POC_DEVS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com
      Require ldap-group CN=SVN_POC_MGRS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com


poc_devs = CN=SVN_POC_DEVS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com
poc_mgrs = CN=SVN_POC_MGRS,OU=LDAP,DC=mycorp,DC=com

poc_dev = &poc_devs
poc_mgr = &poc_mgrs

poc_dev = rw
poc_mgr = r

poc_mgr = rw
poc_dev = r

poc_dev = rw
poc_mgr = r


My ID "mhamilton" is part of the group SVN_POC_DEVS and as part of the test
I am requiring that the repository access requires the user to at least be
part of one of the two groups.  In the above configuration I get the
following error message in the apache error log file:

[Fri Mar 14 10:43:10.754361 2014] [authz_svn:error] [pid 4993:tid
139652358960896] [client] Access denied: 'mhamilton'
GET webadmin:/
[Fri Mar 14 10:43:12.549245 2014] [authz_svn:error] [pid 4993:tid
139652379940608] [client] Access denied: 'mhamilton'
GET webadmin:/
[Fri Mar 14 10:43:19.994583 2014] [authz_svn:error] [pid 4993:tid
139652369450752] [client] Access denied: 'mhamilton'
GET jenkinsAdmin:/
[Fri Mar 14 10:43:27.922455 2014] [authz_svn:error] [pid 4993:tid
139652270913280] [client] Access denied: 'mhamilton'
GET middlewareAutomation:/

If I change the groups section to the following:
poc_dev = mhamilton,aobst
poc_mgr = jvogel,rsebaugh

and the repo sections to the following:
@poc_dev = rw
@poc_mgr = r

@poc_mgr = rw
@poc_dev = r

@poc_dev = rw
@poc_mgr = r

It works (but only if I prefix the group names with "@" in the repo
section.  I tried this with the groups defined using the aliases and I get
the same access denied messages.


Matthew Hamilton

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