
Subversion 1.8.8 returns an error when checking out or updating a working
copy with the following externals.

$ svn proplist -v
Properties on '.':
    https://github.com/SenH/sinatra-formkeeper/trunk/lib/sinatra lib/sinatra
    https://github.com/SenH/formkeeper/trunk/lib/ lib/formkeeper


$ svn up

Fetching external item into 'lib/sinatra':
External at revision 45.

Fetching external item into 'lib/formkeeper':
External at revision 37.

Removed external 'lib': '/var/www/thais-sander/thais-sander.be/lib' is
already locked via '/var/www/thais-sander/thais-sander.be'.
svn: warning: W200000: Error handling externals definition for 'lib':
svn: warning: W155004: '/var/www/thais-sander/thais-sander.be/lib' is
already locked via '/var/www/thais-sander/thais-sander.be'.
Updated to revision 122.
svn: E205011: Failure occurred processing one or more externals definitions

The working copy doesn't have the 'lib' folder but according to the book:
"The relative target subdirectories of externals definitions must not
already exist on your or other users' systems
Subversion will create them when it checks out the external working copy."

This has always worked in 1.6.17.
Any pointers?

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