[I'm not currently a subscriber to the mailing list, so please copy me 
I'm not able to merge a working directory in Subversion 1.8.8. There are 
frequent changes
 to ~10.5 Mb binary files there, which SVN cannot automatically resolve, and 
there's a long 
delay right before the error occurs that suggests something could be timing 
out. However 
my server admin cannot find a timeout in the server that could be causing such 
a thing. 
Checking out a fresh copy of the working directory *is successful*. SVN 1.7.8 
and 1.7.10
 don't cause this problem.
I realize this could be partly/largely a server problem. If there's a way to 
get more 
specific error messages, that would be good to know, too.
svn merge -r XXXX:YYYY https://server/svn/FOO/path/to/merge/from working_dir
--- Merging rXXXX through rYYYY into 'working_dir'
U    working_dir\dir1\foo.htm
C    working_dir\dir2\bar.c_bak
[Long delay]
Summary of conflicts:
   Text conflicts: 5
svn: E175002: REPORT request on '/svn/FOO/!svn/me' failed
Server: VisualSVN 2.5.8
Client: Windows 7 64-bit
svn, version 1.8.8 (r1568071)
compiled Feb 18 2014, 20:42:30 on x86-microsoft-windows
[I use Tortoise a lot day-to-day, but I verified this issue using the command 

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