> One thing I recall about 1.7, is that virtually none of the changes did
> anything that really sped up checkout.  So that is probably the worst thing
> to be testing with.  If all you care about is checkout, then there was
> really little done in 1.7 or 1.8 to speed it up.  Most of the big
> performance wins in 1.7 came in other areas.  For example, update got a lot
> faster on Windows on working copies with lots of folders because the time
> to "lock" the working copy got a lot slower.

commit / update seems slower as well but I don't have any numbers - I
decided to test checkout since it is easier tested (just a single command).

> During the run-up to 1.7, I wrote some benchmarks that were being used to
> compare overall performance of a lot of operations on a lot of different
> scenarios:
> https://ctf.open.collab.net/sf/projects/csvn/
>  Something like this would be a better way to compare performance between
> different versions or the impact of different tweaks on performance.  For
> example, you could run it with and without Anti-Virus enabled to see what
> impact your tool has in performance.

For the test I had:
 * AV deactivated
 * IPv6 deactivated
 * Windows file indexing service deactivated
 * Windows auto updates disabled
 * Windows Media Player * Service(s) deactivated

I was looking for the fasted "base line" to archive - before activating
anything like av or moving to tortoise gui. I will look into doing some
commit/update benchmarks / look into csvn.

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