Could you please, in future, post in plain text and add new text either in-line 
or at the bottom, it is much easier to follow then... See more below...

> On 12 May 2014 07:24, Cooke, Mark <> wrote:
>       > -----Original Message-----
>       > From: Kamil Libich []
>       > Sent: 07 May 2014 15:09
>       >
>       > Hi,
>       >
>       > I could not find any information neither in the archive nor in the
> svn book
>       > :-(
>       >
>       > I'd like to ask you about the copying a file(s) from one repo branch
> to
>       > another branch of the repo. Although, seems to be trivial, please
> read the
>       > scenario below.
>       >
>       > I've been working on the project which has a lot of changes which
> have to be
>       > deployed in very short periods of time; daily or sometimes twice a
> day. I do
>       > releases directly from the trunk.
>       >
>       > Now, I heading the situation in which I have to work on the
> different
>       > software; still within the same project, but in different branch.
> Let call
>       > this new branch a trunk2.
>       >
>       > I realised, that I have to slightly modify a lot of files belongs to
> trunk
>       > branch. Instead of doing ordinary copy operation and check in to the
> new
>       > branch with comment about its  provenance in the comment field (as I
> do when
>       > I have to copy one or two files only) I'd like to copy in the way
> that the
>       > information about from where the files were copied we maintain in
> svn
>       > automatically.
>       >
>       > Can I do this?
>       If I understand you correctly: yes!
>       Check out the subversion "copy" command which does exactly what you
> want.  If you work in local "working copies" then you can copy multiple files
> and commit in one go.  If you use TortoiseSVN on Windows (you forget to say
> what platform you are on) you can also use the right-click-and-drag which
> will offer you the svn options when you do the file movement.
>       Hope that helps,
>       ~ Mark C
>       > Sumarising,
>       > The present situation:
>       > 1. I check out the trunk branch
>       > 2. I check out the trunk2 branch
>       > 3. I do copy the files I want (under the OS, select and drag over)
>       > 4. I update the trunk2 branch with the information about the source
> of the
>       > files in the comment window during the update
>       >
>       > The demanded situation:
>       > How to do the copy (create a duplicate of the file in the different
> branch
>       > and still the same branch) whilst the information about the source
> of the
>       > copy will be automatically (not in comments field) maintained by
> SVN.
>       > It will allow me to do the independent changes in two branches still
>       > maintaining the history with letting me know which file was derived
> from
>       > which file and when.
>       >
>       > Cheers,
>       > Kamil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kamil Libich []
> Sent: 13 May 2014 15:56
> To:
> Cc: Cooke, Mark
> Subject: Re: Copy the files between the branches witin the same repo and with
> saving the svn info about the operation.
> Hi Mark,
> You understood correctly.
> And I was blind.
> I use tortoisesvn client under windows. There reason I couldn't spot this
> functionality in TSVN is because in tortoisesvn the name for the copy
> operation is "Branch/Tag..." which automatically locks me up in thinking that
> is available only for folders.
> Thanks
> Mark

I am glad to help.  I just checked the TSVN context menus and you are right, I 
had forgotten that "copy" was not in there.  However, I usually use 
right-click-and-drag in explorer because windoze gives you options for move / 
copy even for non-subversion files (which can be a very useful safeguard at 

Anyway, for completeness I wanted to also point out this page:

...which includes the right-click-and-drag under "Most forgotten feature"

~ Mark C

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