> From: Nico Kadel-Garcia
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Geoff Field wrote:
> > In our duplication effort, we also set all the permissions 
> > on the old repositories to read-only, to limit the chances
> > of cross-contamination.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the FILE permissions
here, merely the SVN access permissions.  To be really clear,
the original repositories are only being kept as a paranoia
measure, just in case our customers (or legal representatives)
require unsullied history at some indefinite time in the future.

> > Regards,
> >
> > Geoff
> This. So much this. When people want to keep, and keep 
> cross-merging, the contents of multiple distinct live 
> repositories while work is being replicated and cross-merged 
> from all of them, it's usually time to look for a new job: 

The vast majority of those repositories have been unused for
some years, and our development team is (now) small enough so
that I can guarantee there was no work proceeding on any of
them.  Naturally, I also shut down SubVersion while it was in
progress, just in case.

> someone has been excited by the shiny tools and forgotten 

Ooh, shiny ... What were we talking about? ;-)

> "source control is a 24x7, it must *work* and work *every 
> time*" resource.

Quite right.  That's why our repositories are on a RAID system
(now a SAN, actually) with regular backup (including off-site).



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