
I have been told I must update our subversion server because of the recent 
security issues with OpenSSL.  I am struggling to find windows binaries for 
both httpd and subversion that (a) play nicely together and (b) include the 
subversion python bindings that I need for our Trac ( web 
sites (also hosted by apache httpd using mod_wsgi).

Can anyone point me at up-to-date httpd binaries that work with David Darj's 
excellent subversion builds?

If not, can anyone tell me where to get a compatible offline installers for 
subversion *with* python 2.7 bindings that plays nicely with the VC10 httpd 
build from Apache Lounge?

I have investigated WanDisco (no bindings) and CollabNet (won't even install 
without Java, not allowed).  Note I need offline installers, so that excludes 
(I believe) tools such as userSVN...

Many thanks for any help...

~ Mark C

P.S. If all else fails, can anyone tell me how long it takes to run up a build 
server for httpd (with OpenSSL) and subversion and python bindings?

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