
within 2 days TortoiseSVN destroyed my Working Copy six times. This always 
occurs when I commit a resource already open in an editor which contains a 
@revision tag. The commit message looks like this:

At revision: 28113
Commit succeeded, but other errors follow:
Error bumping revisions post-commit (details follow):
Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with 'C:\IKOfficeRoot', work item 
48025 (file-commit Java/ERP/Core/build.xml)
Can't move 'C:\IKOfficeRoot\.svn\tmp\svn-F4D69508' to 
'C:\IKOfficeRoot\Java\ERP\Core\build.xml': Zugriff verweigert

After that I try to do a cleanup but that fails, recommending me to do a 
cleanup. It seemed that Tortoise managed to handle that once, when I committed 
a single other build.xml file before, but when I tried to commit the two ones 
above, the cleanup didn't succeed, so when you try to reproduce, please don't 
just try this once. My version information is:

TortoiseSVN 1.8.7, Build 25475 - 64 Bit , 2014/05/05 20:52:12
Subversion 1.8.9, -release
apr 1.5.1
apr-util 1.5.3
serf 1.3.5
OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014
zlib 1.2.8

I beg you to fix that because it is really time consuming and annoying having 
to check out gigabytes again and again. The tortoise users told me to report 
this to subversion directly, because they don't modify the working copy.

And just in case you wonder: Of couse I tried to cleanup the root folder 
C:\IKOfficeRoot, but this always tells me that cleanup doesn't succeed, and 
that I should do a cleanup instead...

Daniel Migowski

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