On 25.07.2014 10:39, merch store wrote:
> i searched for a library to do this process but i couldn't find one
> the only library which looked helpful was this
> one: https://github.com/sara-nl/js-webdav-client
> but it didn't help...
> in case you had other libraries in mind i would be grateful to know,
> because since 4 to 5 days i'm searching for solutions
> right...i completly forgot to explain what i want to do... sorry for that
> okay
> i'm currently working on an arch linux vm
> on this vm i installed apache with svn - nobody else has curently
> access to this server, just me
> on my desktop (not within the vm) i try to to checkout an xml file
> (with keywords filed out) and show it within a table
> this task is already finished
> so right now i want to edit this file and commit it to the svn server
> in the end i want other users to access this file and edit it too
> in short:
> i want to use an html website to get an xml file from svn, edit it
> within my website an commit it to the server

You're still not telling what you want to do; just what you're doing.
WHY do you want to write a Subversion client in JavaScript, instead of
using our libraries or bindings to do that on the server?

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco | Realising the impossibilities of Big Data
e. br...@wandisco.com

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