On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Sampson, Barry
<barry.samp...@teejet.com> wrote:
> I am attempting to use svnsync over a SSH tunnel, which works, but always
> prompts for a password.  I already setup ssh key authentication, which does
> work fine when performing svn commands.

Ahh. Welcome to the world of "ssh-agent', and the very useful little
Perl wrapper for it called 'keychain'.

Install 'keychain', read the docs, and you can set up your ssh-agent
to be shareable for multiple sessions.

> I can establish a SSH tunnel with keys like this – no password prompts:
> ssh servername
> Using svn, I can do this without being prompted for a password:
> svn list svn+ssh://servername/path/to/repos
> However, this does prompt for a password:
> svnsync sync svn+ssh://servername/path/to/repos
> And just for good measure, this does the same thing:
> svnsync sync svn+ssh://username@servername/path/to/repos
> Any ideas of what I can do here to eliminate the password prompt?  My goal
> is to automate a ‘push’ synchronization via hooks scripts.

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