I ran "svnadmin verify *repository_dir*" and it shows everything is ok (
"verified revision 312" and exits cleanly without any error).

As the next step I have checked the event logs of visual svn server. It

Cant open file D:\\Repositories\\myProj\\db\\revprops\\0\\28: access
denied. [500, #720005]
Event ID: 1001, Task Category : Apache

Another entry is-

Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response [500, #0]

so from this what I guess is some file permissions are unexpectedly
changed. Is there any way I can change it back to its original permissions?
(I have no idea about for which user the permission need to be changed)

I have also tried to checkout the repository from linux, and I get this
error -

REPORT of 'svn/NeSA/!svn/vcc/default': could not read chunk size: Secure
connection truncated (https://rccf-rsrv)

Any help or hint is greatly appreciated.


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:54 AM, David Chapman <dcchap...@acm.org> wrote:

>  On 5/4/2014 10:57 PM, Lloyd wrote:
>  Hi
> We are using VisualSVN server version 2.1.4 (svn server version 1.6.13)
> When I try to checkout our project it throws an error message "svn:
> E175009: Missing update-report close tag". What could be the reason for
> this error message?
>  Can something could be corrupt in our server? If so is there any tool to
> verify and correct our repository?
> Try "svnadmin verify *repository_dir*" on the server machine.  If that
> reports a problem, describe it here and you might get information on how to
> repair it.
> For example, I routinely run "svnadmin verify /var/www/html/svn/repo" on
> my server.  This requires read privilege on all directories in the
> repository, of course, so I run it as root.
> --
>     David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
>     Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
>     Software Development Done Right.
>     www.chapman-consulting-sj.com

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