
On 30/09/14 19:39, jt.mil...@l-3com.com wrote:
> Someone committed a file to the subversion repository that must be
> removed. The server is a virtualized Windows Server 2003 32-bit box with
> 4GB RAM and plenty of disk space where the repositories reside. We're
> using SVN 1.4.4 (outdated, I know, not my fault, I was pulled away from
> my day job to fix this issue).
> I dumped the repository using svnadmin dump and filtered using
> svndumpfilter. The dump file was around 90GB, and roughly the same size
> filtered (yes, the users are misusing Subversion).
> The load of the filtered dump failed with "Insufficient system resources
> exist to complete the requested service." 
> This happened after roughly 99% of the filtered dump was loaded
> (r9945/9991). I tried again and it failed earlier (~r7.5k).
> There doesn't seem to be an issue with resources... using Process
> Explorer shows svnadmin consuming about 40% of the CPU and roughly 8MB
> in working set memory during the load. During the dump and filter CPU
> usage is lower and memory usage higher, but still entirely reasonable.
> I have searched for this error and encountered many instances, but they
> seem to deal with source code and buffer errors. I need some way to
> remove this file and restore the repository.

You may attempt to load the dump using a current version of Apache
Subversion not affected by the issue, but into a repository compatible
with your production version, and then move/sync the FSFS. Specifically:
svnadmin create --pre-1.5-compatible foorepo
svnadmin --compatible-version 1.4.4 foorepo

With kind regards,
Andreas Stieger

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