On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 05:03:07PM -0200, Julio Andre Biason wrote:
> Upgrading the directory itself fixed the problem.
> This makes me think (I'm saying this just seeing the behaviour, I have no
> idea how the code works): It seems upgrade didn't go deep into the
> directory structure because the root (of the local repo) was already in the
> latest version[1]. Does upgrade try to go recursively into all directories,
> checking for ".svn" and updating if necessary?

Every 'svn' operation scans upwards to find the working copy root.
So 'svn upgrade' scans for a working copy root upwards from the directory
you pass in. If the nearest root found is already at the latest format it
has nothing to do and exits. I suppose this is exactly what happened here.

The other commands you ran probably scanned upwards from a different path
and therefore found a different working copy at the old format.

> [1] Which also makes me wonder how a single directory got behind in the
> update process...

You likely had disjoint nested working copies in 1.6 format. If you ran
'svn checkout URL1 A' and then 'svn checkout URL2 A/B' this would happen.
The same situation could be created by an svn:externals configuration.
The upgrade command does not look at what is above working copies created
via svn:externals because the external working copy does not know that
it is considered an external by some other working copy (don't ask me
why -- this is how it was implemented years ago).

In the 1.7/1.8 format, there is a single .svn directory at the top-level
of each working copy. Now that the upgrade is complete you should be able
to tell how many working copies you've got by looking for .svn directories.

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