Note that using plain HTTP access is begging to get your passwords
sniffed, unless you're *really, really, really sure* that no one can
get into your local network environment. SSL is typically not too hard
to set up, for just such protection.

> On Feb 10, 2015, at 11:39 AM, James <> wrote:
> I have a SVN machine in my network. I can do anything I want via svn://. I
> just setup the http:// access and it seems working until I found I cannot
> commit my new file. The error message is :
> $ svn add scripts
> A         scripts
> A         scripts/
> [user1@dev2 Docs]$ svn commit -m "add file"
> Authentication realm: <> Subversion User
> Authentication
> Password for 'user1': ******
> svn: E000013: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: E000013: Can't open file '/home/svn/Docs/db/txn-current-lock':
> Permission denied
> I went to the svn server and found all folders and files belong to svn group
> which the user1 is one the members. the svn group has rw permission there.
> In order to narrow down the issue, I renamed my working copy and checked out
> the same repository with svn:// connection and I found I can do commit
> without any issue.
> It indicates the issue is not in the svn server but the error reported is
> telling me the svn server refused the write. So I am confused.
> I was able to connected and check out the repository via http:// connection.
> It seems the http:// part is working.
> I am using Fedora 20 on both machines. And I have disabled the SeLinux. The
> $getenforce told me "Disabled"
> My svn version is 1.8.11.
> The instruction I followed to enable the http:// access is from here: SVN
> (Subversion) Access Control with Apache and mod_authz_svn | If Not True Then
> False

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