> On Mar 16, 2015, at 2:04 PM, Lathan Bidwell <lat...@andrews.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:lesmikes...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Lathan Bidwell <lat...@andrews.edu 
> <mailto:lat...@andrews.edu>> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> > I have a content management system running on top of SVN. My web servers
> >> > run a post commit hook that does svn update off of svnlook after every
> >> > commit.
> >> >
> >> > I currently have a "Publish" operation which I implement by doing svn
> >> > delete $prod_url && svn cp $trunk_url $prod_url. (both repo urls)
> >> >
> >> > This causes problems because the post commit hook triggers a delete of
> >> > the folder on my production web server, and then sometimes takes longer 
> >> > to
> >> > re-download all the content (some folders have some decent media, about
> >> > 15-30 gig).
> Don't you really want to just 'svn switch' your production workspace
> to the new production target url instead of deleting and checking out
> again?  As long as the content shares ancestry it should just move the
> differences.
> --
>    Les Mikesell
>      lesmikes...@gmail.com <mailto:lesmikes...@gmail.com>
> The copy and delete is not ideal. What I am really trying to do is deploy the 
> version of the trunk branch to the production branch.
> I am not changing my production target url. I am trying to send new changes 
> from trunk to prod, while keeping trunk as a separate branch.
> Before and after a "publish" action, there will still be those 2 branches:
> /trunk/blah
> /prod/blah
> They just happen to have the same content until someone makes new changes to 
> /trunk/blah/.
> Publish should make the /prod/ be the same as the /trunk/ while keeping them 
> separate enough to make changes to /trunk/ and not touch /prod/ (until the 
> next publish).
> I need to be able to stage changes and preview them (preview server runs off 
> the /trunk/ branch).
> Lathan

In Git, this would involve simply moving a branch pointer to the new commit. 
With SVN, you only have two options: 1) merge the changes that occurred in 
trunk into prod, which probably could get messsy, or 2) delete prod and copy 
trunk to a new prod.

The delete/copy is the only option you have if trunk and prod have no common 

Another alternative would be to use "export" from trunk and store your 
production code snapshot into a tarball that is "released" and archived outside 
of SVN entirely. (e.g. burn to DVD).

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