Hello all,

I have a problem I can't find why it is occuring. Maybe someone has seen it

On a httpd 2.4.7 running with svn 1.7.18, I set up the logging to output the

Now, preparing an upgrade, I wanted to do the same under httpd 2.4.10 and svn
1.8.10 without success.

The config looks like this

<VirtualHost ....>

  LogFormat     "%{X-Forwarded-For}i;%h %l %u %t \"%r %L %{SVN-ACTION}e\" %>s 
  CustomLog       /svn/conf/apache/access_log svnlog env=SVN-ACTION

With this config, on the latter system (svn 1.8.10), nothing will be logged
into access_log until I remove or negate the env parameter from the CustomLog

I tried to diff between svn 1.7.18 and 1.8.10 in the mod_dav_svn module but
haven't found anything useful.

I also tried to increase the logging level (trace8) of log_config module and
core module, but did not see anything useful.

Anyone seen this before ?


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