Running svn from tortoise (1.8.11 r1643975) but we have the same issue with the 
same version from VisualSVN, as well as the collabnet on linux

Unfortunately, this is going to be a problem to duplicate this since its only 
on our full source repository.

We work with a bunch of branches, but sometime in the last month or two, 
merging has become virtually useless for those working on a branch.

Our typical flow, which has been working with zero issues for the last 5 years, 

Developer creates a "dev" branch
svn cp ^/trunk ^/branch/dev/mybranch
svn co ^/branch/dev/mybranch

Developer, will work on their branch on their local work area, and merge 
semi-regularly from trunk onto their branch
svn merge ^/trunk .

Its has been common, that after the merge, if another merge is attempted we get 
the E195020 error, (cannot merge into mixed-revision), a simple
svn up
Fixes the issue, however lately, the svn up fails, and the E195020 continues.

I can work with anyone necessary to fix this.. but right now, its making 
merging a nightmare./


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