Hi everyone,

i'm new to submitting bugs but i think i have found an issue.

I have an apache 2.4 with mod_authz_svn running.
I've migrated from apache 2.2 to 2.4 and now i'm facing the problem to
having public anonymous readable and authenticated user based repositories
side by side in one location.

With apache 2.2 there is "Satisfy any" and in 2.4 not.

But lets start with the config:

<Location /svn>
       DAV svn
       SVNParentPath /svn/repos
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName "Subversion repository"
       AuthUserFile /svn/etc/svnusers

       # To enable authorization via mod_authz_svn
       AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/etc/svnaccess
       Require valid-user

        Satisfy any (works only with apache 2.2)

userxyz = rw
* =

userxyz = rw
* = r

subversion 1.8.11

With apache 2.4 there is normally no "Satisfy any" command anymore, unless you install the access compat module,
which provides backwards compatibility of some commands like "Satisfy".

I looked into the last code, i've found here (i hope it's the right one):

and on line 846 it seems that anonymous access is hardcoded to "Satisfy any"?

So my questions is, how it's going to work with apache 2.4 without access compat module. For now i can install the additional module but how long will it be there to provide backward compatibility.

Or am i just to stupid to configure apache 2.4 right? : )
Is there a way to configure it without the "Satisfy any" command?

Is there maybe a ticket for that issue open already?
I tried to find one here: http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/query.cgi
but I didn't found anything which seems to be my problem.

Thanks in advance and greetings

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