On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Mustafa Karci <m...@theipcompany.nl> wrote:
> Today ore svn mirrror got out off sync. The setup is as the headline
> describes. We have setup a mirror that does only read actions and write
> actions are committed to the master SVN server.

Andreas pointed out a likely file permissions problem. I'm going to
step up to a slightly more abstract level for the general "my mirror
or broken!" problem.

For a more robust, longer term solutions, you might consider not doing
this yourself. Factor in the time you just spent and the likelihood of
similar problems maintaining multiple Subversion mirrors, and strongly
consider laying out some money for WanDisco's "multi-master" setup,
described at http://www.wandisco.com/subversion/multisiteplus

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