On 25.06.2015 10:15, Scott Aron Bloom wrote:
> If the variable $TXN contains a *, it is getting expanded by the echo
> command, unix is expanding that before the echo is called.
> I would put single around the variable on your echo command

A single quote would make the command print:

    contents: $fileContents

which is not what he wants ...

> *From:* Dhiraj Prajapati [mailto:dhiraj.prajap...@games24x7.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 25, 2015 1:10 AM
> *To:* Branko Čibej
> *Cc:* users@subversion.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Facing issue in SVN pre commit hook | svnlook cat
> Below is the code snippet I am using. I need the file contents in a
> variable.
> *fileContents=`$SVNLOOK cat $REPOS $FNAME -t $TXN`*
> *echo "contents:" $fileContents 1>&2*
> Am I doing anything wrong?
> -Dhiraj
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Branko Čibej <br...@wandisco.com
> <mailto:br...@wandisco.com>> wrote:
> On 25.06.2015 09:31, Dhiraj Prajapati wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have a pre-commit hook which validates the contents of the files
>     being committed before commit.
>     I am using /svnlook cat/ command to read the contents of the file
>     being committed.
>     However, whenever there is a leading slash on a particular line in
>     the file, the /svnlook cat/ command fails to display the slash.
>     Instead it prints the names of all the files/folders in the root
>     directory.
>     *Example file contents:*
>     xyz
>     <input name=abc/>
>     /*
>     abc
>     *Command:*
>     svnlook cat <repository_path> <file_name> -t <txn>
>     *Output:*
>     xyz <input name=abc/> /app /bin /boot /cdrom /dev /etc /home /lib
>     /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /sources /srv
>     /sys /tmp /usr /var /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old abc
>     I want/svnlook cat/ to print exactly what is in the file. Please
>     assist.
> This is "impossible" in the sense that 'svnlook cat' does not process
> the contents in any way, it just prints them to stdout.
> You're probably piping the output of 'svnlook cat' into some kind of
> program or script that validates them, and I suspect that script is
> interpreting the contents so that it lists the directory contents as
> you described. You should most likely look for the bug in your
> validation script.
> -- Brane

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