On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 2:12 PM, foven <effo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I looked at the output of "journalctl -n 50", which seems to be enough
> to see all that is logged for a commit attempt.  I also checked
> /var/log/secure.  I didn't see anything that seemed obviously wrong to
> me either way, although it is possible that I missed something.  Are
> there any other logs that I should check?
> Also, just to be clear, when I say that svn+ssh is not working, it is
> working for checkouts and if I remove the pre-commit hook, it works for
> commits as well.  Does it still seem likely that this is a ssh issue?
> Is there any more information I can provide that might help?

Start at the beginning: As whom is the "svn+ssh" connection being
made? I assume it's the "phd" user, and that the SSH keys have been
correctly configured?

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