Is it feasible to dump and load the repository in question?

You could re-load it, and see if the repository still has problems.

On the other hand, if the load fails at a specific revision, that might
give you more of a clue about what is going wrong.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:13 PM, Chris Capon <> wrote:

> On 2015-12-07 20:48, David Chapman wrote:
>> Have you verified that the repository on the server is not corrupt?
>> Perhaps the disk has a bad sector on the drive, and only that repository is
>> affected.  Or maybe the hard drive itself is failing, and the other
>> repositories have simply been "lucky" so far.
>> # svnadmin verify /path/to/repository/root
>> I ran the svnadmin command and the admin tool verified all the revisions
> and reported no errors.  The same problem still persists. I can only get
> part way through a checkout before it fails.
> By the way, if I change the local svn checkout on the server to a file
> reference rather than going through apache2 and https then the checkout
> completes with no problems.  So,
>     svn checkout https://localhost/svn/repository/dev/trunk --username
> myself  dev
> fails part way through after 5 to 10 files, where
>     svn checkout file:///root/subversion/root/repository/dev/trunk
> --username myself dev
> checks out the entire repository without errors.

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