Hi James,

without knowing which client you are using it's a bit difficult to dig into this problem. From the logs I can only get your command line, working directory, version number (1.9.2) and see that you are using a 32-bit build: Cmd line: "C:\MyScripts\SVN\svn.exe" merge svn://oit-teaqasocfs1.som.w2k.state.me.us/MACWIS/branches/Verona/MACWIS --accept tc
Working Dir: C:\SVN_Play\z-our-server\trunk\MACWIS


#1  0x6eec60b0 in apr_file_mktemp()
#2  0x6eec66d1 in apr_file_open()
#3  0x5e55ada1 in svn_mergeinfo__filter_catalog_by_ranges()
#4  0x6eec7c2b in apr_file_read()
#5  0x6eec5d71 in apr_file_read_full()
#6  0x6dc279e3 in svn_diff_diff_2()

EAX: 0

If I were you, I'd retry the test first with the more recent 1.9.3 version.


Attached please find a crash report during an attempt to merge something to a trunk.

James C Patten

Senior Programmer/Analyst, OIT OCFS/DLRS

State of Maine, Office of Information Technology

james.pat...@maine.gov <mailto:james.pat...@maine.gov>

207-557-0349 (Desk/Cell)

Stefan Hett

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