On Feb 5, 2016, at 1:04 PM, Eric Antonio Maquiling wrote:

>> svnadmin dump mainproject > mainproject.dump
>> svndumpfilter include branch/this_new_stuff < mainproject.dump > 
>> new_stuff_only.dmp
> I guess I did try it bofore and I got this error:
> Revision 2003 committed as 2003.
> Revision 2004 committed as 2004.
> Revision 2005 committed as 2005.
> Revision 2006 committed as 2006.
> svndumpfilter: Invalid copy source path '/trunk'
> The repo looks like this:
> svn://x.x.x.x/mainproject/branches/
> svn://x.x.x.x/mainproject/truck/
>                          under branches:
>                          /branches/this_is_what_we_want
> You see, the developers have been using this branch for so long they don't 
> want
> to mess up the history on the trunk.  So for historical reasons, they just 
> want
> branches/this_is_what_we_want as a new repo
> If they need to see some older stuff (probably not), they'll just go and 
> browse
> the old trunck.

So as I said, if the thing you want to extract from the dump was originally 
copied from elsewhere in the repository (as, in your case, your branch was at 
one point copied from trunk), you have to extract that other place (i.e. trunk) 
as well.

Here's the same question asked before, and some more suggestions:


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