We have a user who is trying to commit a 5MB file (he says the file is larger 
than he normally uploads) and he is receiving the error in subject of this 
email.  I have looked at the apache error_log (after upping the logging to 
debug) as well as access_log, and find nothing that shows why this error is 
happening.  Someone suggested changing the name of the file and attempting 
again, but that did not work either.  Any assistance in troubleshooting this 
would be much appreciated.  I have googled all I can and can't find any 
definitive answer to this issue.

Chris Gronde (CTR)
Navstar, INC.
Linux Systems Administrator
Network Monitoring Engineer
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
Technology Solutions and Services Division (TSSD)
Tel: 703-905-3578
Cell: 571-318-7743
Office: 2041K

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