Hello Divvela,

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:52 PM, Divvela Chanukya <2chanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> we are configured subversion(1.7.19) with webmethods(9.5) on windows 2012
> r2. when we try to move a service from one package to other package .
> getting the below error .

Subversion 1.7 is no longer supported. Upgrade to the latest
Subversion 1.8 or 1.9 versions.

> when we refresh the packages we see the service is copied but not moved
> Error:
> testsvn4444/new_folder22:new_flowservice1: [ISS.0132.9117] error running
> command [svn, unlock, --username, chanu, --password, ********,
> C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\packages\testsvn4444\ns\new_folder22\new_flowservice1\flow.xml,
> C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\packages\testsvn4444\ns\new_folder22\new_flowservice1\node.ndf,
> C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\packages\testsvn4444\ns\new_folder22\new_flowservice1,
> --force]; exit value: 1; output: [svn: E155008: The node
> 'C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\packages\testsvn4444\ns\new_folder22\new_flowservice1'
> is not a file]
> we raised the issues with application  vendor (webmethods )they claim that
> the issue is with subversion & asked us to rise issue it subversion forum.

Did they say anything else? What did you do to reproduce the problem?

To me it does not look like a problem in Subversion. At least it does
not look so without additional information you could provide us with.

Webmethods is calling `svn unlock` on a directory and it is expected
to get this error in such case. You can't lock or unlock directories,
you can lock files in directories, but directory as a note can't be

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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