On 03.06.2016 16:05, Jens Christian Restemeier wrote:
> Hi,
> At the moment users get a “workspace is locked, please run clean”
> style message if they run two subversion commands on the same
> workspace. Obviously the solution is to “not do that”, but for example
> with subversion integrated into tools it may not be obvious to a user.
> I had several users corrupt a workspace by running a clean against a
> running command.
> My suggestions:
> Store a process identifier together with whatever is used to lock a
> workspace, send a “ping” style message to the active process when
> another command is run. If the other command is still running change
> the report to “another process is still accessing the workspace”
> Optionally block the second process until the first process is
> complete… actually I was thinking about implementing that in our tools
> by peeking into the workspace lock data, but didn’t have time so far.

Which version of Subversion are you using?

In general it is safe to run multiple Subversion commands simultaneously
on the same working copy; access to the working copy database is
transactional and protected by the global database lock.

If that's not good enough for you, you can enforce exclusive locking of
the working copy and only one client at a time will be able to access
the working copy; see:


-- Brane

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