On 8/4/2016 8:25 PM, bluePlayer wrote:
I was yesterday attacked by Cerber Ransomware, encrypting my files and asking
money to decrypt.

Well I did not fall for that trick, instead i have my SVN server installed
on separate machine which is most of the time turned off.

I could create new forder and checkout there but how can i fix my current
local repository, as I have unversioned files which I might use later?

Also i have lot of files which would take a day to checkout locally.

Which commands should I run?

Currently my folder is not viewed as a SVN repository, it just shows "SVN
upgrade working copy" and Tortoise SVn menu items.

If the ransomware encrypted your whole working copy then all locally added files and changed data which wasn't committed to the repository cannot be restored via the repository. Unless you have another backup somewhere lying around, you'll have to find means to decrypt the files or accept the fact that these changes/files are lost and you need to somehow recreate them.

If you are at that point where the ransomware did indeed encrypt your local WC, you should really do a fresh checkout of your files from the repo. Trying to restore anything from the local working copy is pointless IMHO. A checkout might take long, but then you are sure it's in a proper/usable state.

If you haven't upgraded TSVN from <= 1.7 to a later version and the WC was accessible to you before the ransomware hit you, it's most likely showing the upgrade dialog now because it (incorreclty) believes (due to the encrypted files) that the working copy format is of an older format.

Stefan Hett

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